Новости Биомедис 

Старт продаж новой модели прибора СВЕТОЧ

15.08.2014 by Biomedis
Valentina Mironova will help us go into this important matter.
Valentina Mironova is a head of the department of Theory and methodology of health improvement technologies and physical culture of East, senior lecturer, candidate of pedagogical sciences. As well as a member of the academy of innovative technologies and spiritual growth, Qigong trainer, specialist of body oriented and breathing techniques.
Valentina had professional qualification trainings at international seminars in various countries (India, China, Tibet, Nepal, Japan, Israel, Ukraine). She has numerous certificates, rewards, appreciation letters for transcendent merit in revival of health improvement traditions.
Over 75 teaching and guiding works of Valentina were issued. Working experience of over 50 years.

Watch the video, learn how to use affirmations in the second mode of NEOGEN and improve your mental and physical wellbeing!

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